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The Bold Answer to What’s Next

Consilium trains practitioners in innovative, person-centered processes to restructure families for healthy, sustainable futures.



There is nothing else like Consilium. Attorneys who are trained in the innovative Consilium Process bring unparalleled attention to internal family systems and dynamics and focus on restructuring families after the divorce. Consilium Practitioners have the privilege of joining the Tapestry, a netweaving organization of attorneys, financial professionals, and therapists, like-minded professionals from multiple disciplines, all of whom apply the Consilium Process to their work.


Trained Consilium Practitioners apply the seven-step Consilium Process to all their family law cases, whether in litigation, mediation, arbitration, or the collaborative process. Attorneys are given tools that they can immediately apply to their family law practice and transform their linear thinking into a mindset that is more multifaceted in every case.

Consilium’s Core Course:

Similar in scope and content to a law school class, the course is taught over two days through interactive online, live webinars and four subsequent 90-minute online training sessions.


Once the Core Course training has been completed, the attorney becomes part of the Tapestry, where they can expand their knowledge, and join a national network of Consilium Practitioners with experience and expertise in law, finance, and mental health.


Course Schedule:

Friday – 8:30am to 5:00pm
Saturday – 8:30am to 3:00pm

TBD – Four subsequent 90-minute online training sessions

Thank You

Thank you for taking the time to let us know more about you. We look forward to welcoming you as part of the Consilium Institute! Please add info@consiliuminstitute.com to your Safe Sender contact list. Learn how to do so on our FAQs page.