Musical Healing

Give your client the gift of music after their divorce

Music can heal, and curated programs tailored to individuals experiencing grief and trauma, can give people a sense of beauty, comfort and hope.

The Consilium® Institute and Riverview Chamber Players have joined together to create a unique offering that provides a safe haven for clients experiencing emotional turmoil and allows for internal reflection and connection. Clients have reported a release of physical and emotional pain, a soothing of their anxiety, a connection to their inner world, and a lifting of their spirit and energy.

Rebecca Strauss

As members of The Tapestry, you can access this transformative experience for your clients, and create a transitional experience for them as they move forward in the next chapter of their lives.
  • Recipients will have a conversation with Music Director, Rebecca Strauss, a professional violist, Certified Therapeutic Practitioner, and life coach, to make arrangements for their experience.
  • Zoom or live, in-person performances are arranged at a mutually convenient time.  
  • Rebecca creates safe and warm environments that invite people to breathe and to connect with their own truth. She is able to achieve this through specially designed chamber music performances, healing concerts, and individualized therapeutic music sessions. Clients can choose to be in a location they find most comforting, such as their home or in nature. 
  • Reflecting on her experience one client said: “The music made me feel safe. If the music was an entity it is like a cozy room that won’t let any bad in.  There are no judgments. I could think about them and get them out. I could think about the thoughts more clearly, calmly, and safely.”
  1. Post-Hearing Healings- one individual performance for a client up to 45 minutes- $125 (zoom) 
  2. Evolutionary Healings- package of 3 45 minute performances, 1 x per month for a 3 month period – $300 (zoom)
  3. Community Appreciation- chamber performance for a gathering of client’s support network or for a lawyer/law firm’s event, zoom or in-person  – pricing upon request (zoom or live)
  4. Words and Music- Therapist led conversations in conjunction with musical healing- pricing upon request (zoom or live)
10% of the cost of performances will be donated to organizations providing support to survivors of domestic violence or therapeutic groups for children of divorce

Thank You

Thank you for taking the time to let us know more about you. We look forward to welcoming you as part of the Consilium Institute! Please add to your Safe Sender contact list. Learn how to do so on our FAQs page.